Free mentoring program for anyone with less than 100 jumps - LEARN MORE →


Once you complete Freefall U, you'll be able to jump with friends anywhere in the world


Jump Now, Pay Later

Freefall University Skydiving School ChicagoFreefall University Skydiving School at CSC offers a United States Parachute Association (USPA) approved training progression. Chicagoland Skydiving Center is an official USPA Training Center and Group Member dropzone. 

We have a perfect student safety record, and are proud of it. As Chicagoland's original skydive school (established in 1968), we've trained more people to skydive than any other company in the region. Become part of the CSC legacy. Best Skydiving in Chicago

After completing Freefall U, you will have earned your USPA A license. This license allows you to skydive anywhere in the world.

Schedule Meeting with FU Instructor

Want to get Licensed ASAP? Consider an FU Skydive Camp

If you're interested in fast tracking your training, consider joining us for one of our Freefall U Skydive Camps. Skydive Camps begin with ground school and are designed for people who are able to dedicate 10 days to being on-site everyday. This really is summer camp for adults. You'll meet some amazing people and gain lifelong friendships while learning how to jump out of an airplane. Bring a tent or grab a hotel room nearby and we'll get you licensed in no time.

2025 FU Skydive Camp Dates
Jun 5 - 15 Jun 26 - Jul 6 Jul 24 - Aug 3
Aug 14 - 24 Sep 18 - 28 REGISTER NOW


Scheduled FU Ground School Dates
Apr 25 May 9 May 23
Jun 5 Jun 26 Jul 11
Jul 24 Aug 14 Aug 29


What's Included in The Freefall U Pre-Paid Package? (depending which package you purchase)

  • Ground school (must be completed prior to training tandem)
  • Core training jumps (including pre-jump briefings & post-jump debriefings)
  • 1-on-1 coach jumps 
  • Solo jumps (including two low altitude jumps)
  • Aircraft observer flight to better understand skydive aviation and spotting techniques
  • Equipment rental (all of our gear was manufactured within the last 3 - 4 years)
  • Lift tickets
  • Access to CSC's Wingman Mentoring Program (jumps 26 - 100)

What's NOT Included?

  • USPA Annual Membership
  • Logbook and Goggles

Why Freefall University is the Top-Rated Skydive School

  • Perfect student safety record
  • Every coach & instructor has earned a USPA instructional rating(s)
  • Best/safest equipment in the industry, period.
  • Our students have access to wind tunnel training at iFLY Chicago (additional fees apply)
  • Our school is sponsored by Larsen & Brusgaard, the top altimeter manufacturer in the world, meaning our students use digital visual and audible altimeters (while other dropzones use old school analog tools)
  • Financing and payment plans available
  • We include our students in our jumper community and special events
  • Our program prepares you to jump anywhere, not just where you learned
  • Freefall U graduates get free coaching via our exclusive Wingman Mentoring Program


Click on the images below to watch Freefall U training levels 1-7 videos

Don't Settle for Less than the best



Discount available to prepay your course. Payment plans and financing available.


We only hire coaches and instructors with certified ratings who truly love to teach.

CSC Location

Conveniently located in northern central Illinois, just 90 minutes away from: Chicago, Madison, Quad Cities, and Bloomington.


Most skydivers fall in love with the community aspect of the sport. From day one, you are part of our CSC family and included in social activities and special events.

You will never be on your own without support.

Don't just take our word for it

Check out reviews from previous skydivers

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