CSC Blog

We're almost There...

Chicago winters seem to get harder and harder to endure every year. We're through the worst of it and there's finally some light at the end of the tunnel. Safety Day is coming up on Saturday, March 16th. We hope you can join us for a fun, educational day of presentations and discussions on the most important safety topics in our industry today. Many of us who have been skydiving for a while need this event to review emergency procedures and discuss any new and trending safety issues going on around the skydiving industry. It's also a great chance for new/newer jumpers to continue their education. Lunch will be served. Afterwards, stick around for a great St. Patty's Day party in the Flight Deck Bar & Grill. 

There's a lot going on at CSC...

Despite the time of year, it's busy around the dropzone. It's event season in the Flight Deck and we have private parties, corporate events, and company meetings nearly everyday and Rock Sky Market is always busy. On the CSC side, we're developing a very exciting event schedule for 2019 including plenty of camps, comps, boogies, and parties. Keep a close eye on our events calendar as we're adding events all the time and more details will be posted daily. Our goal is to finalize the event planning soon so everyone can plan their summer travel schedule and have the information on what's going on at CSC. Consider subscribing to the CSC Events Calendar. New events will get added directly to your calendar along with information, links, and any changes and updates that may happen in the future. 

When it comes to skydiving, the most powerful factor in our ability to have fun is the one thing we cannot control - the weather. 

You might hear the phrase "you can't jump if you're not at the dropzone" and that's completely true. But there are some things we know about weather that can help us define when we have the best chance of flying. Our goal here is to help you understand the weather that affects skydivers the most - and how you can set yourself up for success when scheduling your jump times.

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