CSC Blog

There's a lot going on at CSC...

Despite the time of year, it's busy around the dropzone. It's event season in the Flight Deck and we have private parties, corporate events, and company meetings nearly everyday and Rock Sky Market is always busy. On the CSC side, we're developing a very exciting event schedule for 2019 including plenty of camps, comps, boogies, and parties. Keep a close eye on our events calendar as we're adding events all the time and more details will be posted daily. Our goal is to finalize the event planning soon so everyone can plan their summer travel schedule and have the information on what's going on at CSC. Consider subscribing to the CSC Events Calendar. New events will get added directly to your calendar along with information, links, and any changes and updates that may happen in the future. 

If you're skydiving, you're probably just looking for a quick ride in an airplane. Typically, jumpers are focused on the freefall ahead, but rarely give much thought to the person in the cockpit. At many dropzones, few jumpers even know the pilot's name.

Some say jump pilots are the unsung heroes of skydiving. I'm not sure about that, but we certainly have to manage a lot of variables from the lonely front seat.

Describing the indescribable...

Everybody who hasn't jumped out of a perfectly good airplane wonders the same thing: what does it feel like to skydive?  There are both physical and emotional answers to this question.

It's such an unfamiliar concept, falling through the air at 120+ mph. Most people who have jumped say things like "the feeling is indescribable" or "unlike anything else" when talking about the sensation of freefall. Not exactly helpful. So, how is a first-time skydiver to know what to expect?

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